By, Wynter Eddins

There’s a wave crashing down and the pressure feels relentless. Your body endures but you begin to sink into the depths of dark waters. You find yourself desperately trying to get back to fresh air, but the weight still pulls and your fight is no match to it’s insufferable strength. This is a struggle between life and death.
But there is hope. You stop fighting to allow the waters to immerse you. Your muscles, previously tense slowly relax into a more freeing position and now you rise up briskly to the air you so desperately fought for. Your eyes once clenched in terror are soaring open with assurance as you reach the surface and exhale a deep sigh of relief. You are still alive.
The trialing year of 2020 could feel very similar to the scenario described above. The continuous ups and downs playing like an off beat instrument could make any person feel maddening. Even through Covid-19, even through injustice and racism, and even through the act of self survival is the ability to sit still.
Stillness is not frozen. Stillness is not fear. Stillness is not weak. It’s active listening to your inner-voice. It’s recognizing that movement does not always equal productivity, but rather a focused understanding where stillness is the aid. It’s being able to sit or stand or walk with a mind casting health before worry.
Stillness is a tool for self-understanding, and it comes with practice. Imagine being still for a moment in time where life’s heavy demands begin to weigh lightly upon your shoulders and you carry what you can.
Stillness is your self-right, and you can access it immediately and indefinitely. Whether you are spiritual, or not, stillness is necessary because it allows for self-reflection and growth.
Slow down. Life will bring it’s blessing, but there will also be trials that seem ongoing and can promote a dim outlook. Still yourself and listen to your heart. It’s beating isn’t it? There’s life fighting for you to keep going, and you will. Through times of uncertainty find comfort in remembering the beauty in your strength, your ongoing love for others, and most importantly yourself.
This moment, ask, “Have I taken the time to listen to my body, my mind, and my soul?”If the answer is “no” take a moment to still yourself and ask those pertinent questions. If the answer is a resounding “yes” then you are headed in the right direction towards empowering peace in yourself and peace in others.